
PhD thesis

thesis.pdf: Towards realistic numerical simulations of Majorana devices (2020)

Thesis cover

thesis-cover: each unique copy is designed using quantum simulation data, neural networks, machine learning, and Python


yaml2bib: Convert a readable yaml file with DOIs only to a properly formatted BibTeX file. πŸ“ƒ


adaptive: tools for adaptive parallel sampling of mathematical functions to speed up simulations by orders of magnitude βš™οΈ


instacron: Instagram for the lazy - automatically upload a photo to Instagram with autogenerated caption containing #hashtags, a quote, and camera information πŸ“ΈπŸŒ…

Topology in condensed matter course

Tying Quantum Knots. An online course for which I wrote a lot of code. See the course website which is generated using these Jupyter notebooks.


adaptive-scheduler: Run simulations adaptively on many cores (>10k) and easily manage starting and restarting using mpi4py.futures, ipyparallel, or dask-mpi 🎉

Home Assistant

Many things in my house are automated using the Python Home Assistant framework. I’ve built some interseting automations and app, see my config files and AppDaemon apps 🏠 🤖


ipynb_git_filters: remove ipynb’s output on each commit to keep a clean history. Not very smart but very useful πŸ€– my website made with Hugo on Github that is automatically deloyed with Netlify 🦾