🐍 Python Environment Paradise: Finding My Perfect Workflow 🌴

A Personal Journey Through Pyenv, Pipenv, venv, Virtualenv, Homebrew, Anaconda, Miniconda, and finally Micromamba

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1. Introduction πŸš€

Welcome, fellow Python enthusiasts! Like many of you, I’ve tried various Python environment management tools in search of the perfect fit. After a rollercoaster ride through virtualenv, Anaconda, and more, I found my true match in Condaβ€”thanks to its ability to handle “hard to install” non-Python dependencies.

Though Conda can be slow when resolving environments, Mamba comes to the rescue, speeding things up. In this post, I’ll briefly explore some alternatives and share useful commands for setting up Python environments. So buckle up and join me in this whirlwind adventure through Python environment management!

Table of Contents
This approach works well for me, you own mileage may vary.

2. The Alternatives 🌟

Before we start look at this comparison tables for the most popular Python environment management tools.

I had to split the tables into two because of the number of columns.

Table 1: Python Environment Management Tools

ToolKey FeaturesNative/3rd PartyPython VersionsNon-Python Deps
PyenvPython version management3rd PartyMultiple❌
PipenvPackage & env management3rd PartySingle❌
CondaPackage & env management3rd PartySingleβœ…
MambaFast Conda replacement3rd PartySingleβœ…
MicromambaLightweight Mamba3rd PartySingleβœ…
DockerContainerization3rd PartyMultipleβœ…
VenvBuilt-in env managementNativeSingle❌
VirtualenvEnv management (pre-3.3)3rd PartySingle❌
HomebrewmacOS/Linux package manager3rd PartyMultipleβœ…
System Package ManagersOS-based package managementNativeMultipleβœ…

Table 2: Python Environment Management Tools

ToolEase of UseIsolationCross-Platform SupportCommunity & SupportPerformance
PyenvMediumβœ…Windows, macOS, LinuxGoodGood
PipenvEasyβœ…Windows, macOS, LinuxGoodGood
CondaEasyβœ…Windows, macOS, LinuxExcellentAverage
MambaEasyβœ…Windows, macOS, LinuxGrowingFast
MicromambaMediumβœ…Windows, macOS, LinuxGrowingFast
DockerHardβœ…Windows, macOS, LinuxExcellentGood
VenvEasyβœ…Windows, macOS, LinuxExcellentGood
VirtualenvMediumβœ…Windows, macOS, LinuxGoodGood
HomebrewEasy❌macOS, LinuxExcellentGood
System Package ManagersEasy❌Depends on OSDepends on OSGood

Now that we’ve seen the alternatives, let’s dive into setting up environments with the help of Conda and Mamba.

🐍 Pyenv

A popular tool that enables you to easily manage multiple Python versions on a single system. It allows you to switch between different Python versions without interfering with system-level installations.

Setup Instructions

  1. Install pyenv:
    • macOS: brew install pyenv
    • Ubuntu: curl https://pyenv.run | bash
  2. Add the following lines to your shell configuration file (e.g., ~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc):
export PATH="$HOME/.pyenv/bin:$PATH"
eval "$(pyenv init -)"
  1. Restart your shell or run source ~/.bashrc (or source ~/.zshrc)
  2. Install a specific Python version: pyenv install 3.8.5
  3. Set the Python version for your project: pyenv local 3.8.5

πŸ“¦ Pipenv

A package management and virtual environment management tool that combines the functionality of pip and virtualenv. It streamlines the process of installing and managing packages within isolated environments.

Setup Instructions

  1. Install pipenv: pip install --user pipenv
  2. Change to your project directory: cd my_project
  3. Initialize a new virtual environment: pipenv --python 3.8
  4. Install packages: pipenv install <package_name>
  5. Activate the environment: pipenv shell

🌐 Conda

A cross-platform package manager and environment management tool, often used in conjunction with Anaconda and Miniconda. Conda simplifies the installation and management of packages and dependencies, especially for data science and machine learning projects.

Setup Instructions

  1. Download and install Miniconda: https://github.com/conda-forge/miniforge#miniforge3
  2. Create a new environment: conda create --name my_env python=3.8
  3. Activate the environment: conda activate my_env
  4. Install packages: conda install <package_name>

πŸš€ Mamba

Mamba is a fast, drop-in replacement for Conda, designed to resolve and install packages more quickly. It uses the same Conda repositories and environment files, making it easy to switch between the two.

Setup Instructions

  1. Install Mambaforge with Mamba pre-installed:

Download and install Mambaforge with Mamba for your platform: https://github.com/conda-forge/miniforge#mambaforge

Alternatively, you can install Mamba within an existing Conda environment:

conda install mamba -c conda-forge
  1. Create a new environment with Mamba:
mamba create --name my_env python=3.8
  1. Activate the environment:
conda activate my_env
  1. Install packages using Mamba:
mamba install <package_name> -c conda-forge

By using Mamba instead of Conda, you can significantly speed up environment resolution and package installation while still benefiting from the Conda ecosystem.

🌌 Micromamba

Micromamba is a lightweight and fast alternative to the Mamba package manager. It is a statically linked C++ executable that doesn’t require a base environment or come with a default Python version. It supports a subset of Mamba and Conda commands and is designed to resolve and install packages quickly. For those who need Conda features, you can install Conda using Micromamba with micromamba install conda.

Setup Instructions

  1. Download the appropriate Micromamba binary for your platform from the official repository.

  2. Make the binary executable and move it to a directory in your PATH:

chmod +x micromamba mv micromamba /usr/local/bin/
  1. Create a new environment with Micromamba:
micromamba create -n my_env python -c conda-forge
  1. Activate the environment:
micromamba activate my_env
  1. Install packages using Micromamba:
micromamba install <package_name> -c conda-forge
  1. If you need Conda’s features, you can install Conda within your Micromamba environment:
micromamba install conda

For example, if you need nb_conda_kernels to use your Micromamba environment in JupyterLab:

micromamba install conda nb_conda_kernels

And you are set up!

Micromamba is the perfect solution for those who want a fast and lightweight package manager while still being able to access Conda’s features when needed.

🐳 Docker

A containerization platform that allows you to create lightweight, portable environments called containers. With Docker, you can package your Python application along with its dependencies, ensuring consistent execution across different systems.

Setup Instructions

  1. Install Docker: https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/
  2. Create a Dockerfile in your project directory with the following contents:
FROM python:3.11
COPY requirements.txt .
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
COPY . .
CMD ["python", "your_script.py"]
  1. Build the Docker image: docker build -t my_project .
  2. Run the Docker container: docker run my_project

🏞️ Venv

A built-in Python module available since Python 3.3, which allows you to create lightweight virtual environments. Venv simplifies the process of creating isolated environments for different projects, ensuring that package dependencies don’t conflict with each other.

Setup Instructions

  1. Create a new virtual environment: python3 -m venv my_env
  2. Activate the environment:
  • macOS/Linux: source my_env/bin/activate
  • Windows: my_envScriptsactivate
  1. Install packages: pip install <package_name>

🌐 Virtualenv

Virtualenv is a third-party Python environment management tool that predates the built-in venv module. It allows you to create isolated environments for different projects, ensuring that package dependencies don’t conflict with each other. Virtualenv is compatible with Python 2.7 and later versions, whereas venv is only available since Python 3.3.

Setup Instructions

  1. Install virtualenv: pip install virtualenv
  2. Create a new virtual environment: virtualenv my_env
  3. Activate the environment:
    • macOS/Linux: source my_env/bin/activate
    • Windows: my_env\Scripts\activate
  4. Install packages: pip install <package_name>

🍺 Homebrew

Homebrew is a popular package manager for macOS and Linux that simplifies the installation and management of software. Though it is not a dedicated Python environment management tool, it does offer support for installing and managing multiple Python versions alongside other software.

Homebrew can be useful for installing and managing Python versions for system-level usage, but it’s not the best choice for managing isolated project-specific dependencies. For project-specific dependency management, it’s recommended to use other tools like venv, virtualenv, or Conda in conjunction with Homebrew-installed Python.

Setup Instructions

  1. Install Homebrew (if not already installed):

  2. Install a specific Python version:

    brew install python@3.11
  3. Add the installed Python version to your PATH by adding the following line to your shell configuration file (e.g., ~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc):

    export PATH="/usr/local/opt/python@3.11/bin:$PATH"
  4. Restart your shell or run source ~/.bashrc (or source ~/.zshrc) to apply the changes.

  5. Verify the Python version: python3.11 --version

Keep in mind that Homebrew is mainly for installing and managing software at the system level. To manage project-specific dependencies and create isolated environments, combine Homebrew with other tools like venv or virtualenv for better dependency management.

πŸ’» System package managers

Some operating systems have their own package managers (e.g., apt for Ubuntu, pacman for Arch Linux, or Homebrew for macOS) that can be used to install and manage Python environments. However, using system package managers may lead to conflicts with other system packages and is generally not recommended for managing project-specific dependencies.

I will skip the setup instructions for this one, as it is just not recommended to do this!

3. Conclusion 🏁

The choice you make for managing your Python environments ultimately depends on your use case. If you don’t have to frequently deal with non-Python dependencies, I would recommend using venv. However, because I often work with projects that require non-Python dependencies, I’ve found that Micromamba is the perfect fit for me.

That being said, each tool has its own strengths and weaknesses, and it’s important to choose the one that works best for your specific needs. I hope this journey through Python environment management has been helpful and informative. Good luck in finding your perfect Python environment workflow! 🐍

4. Further Reading πŸ“š

Here are some resources for further exploration:

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Bas Nijholt
Bas Nijholt
Staff Engineer

